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Top Dog
Everything you need to know to make your mutt marvellous
Kate Bendix
Top Dog is the dog book that every dog lover has been waiting for.
Imagine having a dog with the shiniest coat, the wettest, coldest nose, the brightest eyes and a svelte physique. A dog with ‘good’ energy, better concentration, that sleeps well and, wait for it, smells delicious.
Well you can have that dog. By making a few key changes to the way you look after him.
Don’t panic. This won’t disrupt your life. And it won’t cost you a fortune – you will save money in the long run. Simply follow the step by step guide offered by Kate Bendix in this book – her advice on diet (fresh is best, even for your mutt), on health (go natural!) and lifestyle (dogs have them too) – and you will have the happiest Larry on the lead.
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